A cashless canteen is becoming a norm in schools, especially in UAE, because it is easy to pay, and it saves a lot of time of administration. In the UAE, it is introduced by a Cashless management system. This system is working in many big organizations after the success of this system, it is now launching in many schools of the UAE, or it has been launched in many schools. The payment methods in schools have been changed; one of them is a cashless canteen. With the approval of parents, it has been introduced in many schools in the UAE. For paying lunch or trips, you have to pay online; you do not have to send your child with cash in their hands. After Covid-19 cashless canteens are more beneficial for preventing the COVID.
In 2003 cashless system been launched throughout the world but in UAE, it is launched in 2017, as now it has become quite popular even schools are starting this system.
1. Student’s benefit:
We know that it is bothersome when children bring cash in schools. For example, the money children bring to the school could be a reason to get into an unusual activity or get lost; sometimes it could lead to bullying.
These problems can be solved through cashless canteens in schools, money would be spent according to the parents’ will, and it would be safe in parents’ accounts.
Children who are allowed to have free meals by the management of schools and cashless canteen would help reduce the bullying for those students. The stigma of getting free meals would not be a problem for students who are entitled by the school’s management. This system will help to remove the bullying for these students.
The most crucial benefit of a cashless canteen is that your child can stop eating unhealthy food because the cashless canteen system makes sure that your money spends on healthy food.
2. Parent’s Benefit or parent’s power:
Parents are genuinely concerned about the cash given to their child is not spending where it should spend. Most parents agree with the cashless canteen because it gives parents power where the money is being spent. Eighty percent of parents want to know what their children are eating. They do not want their children to spent cash on confectionery items.
So, the cashless canteen gives the parents authority that their money is spent on healthy meals instead of snacks and other things.
3. Easy and hassle free:
Cashless canteens are hassle-free with the help of school management, the usage of cashless canteen would be better, better, secure, and hassle-free. This system provides a healthy environment where everyone feels secure during lunchtime.
Waiting rounds are one of the most challenging jobs during lunchtime, but the cashless canteens speed up the time, and your child does not have to wait for getting lunch. Collecting money and counting it takes too much time, and it is not easy to wait in a queue. So, this system is hassle-free and easy to get lunch at the proper time.
Author Bio:
Arvind Mehta is the owner of AVI Infosys LLC, UN-WTO/WHO winner of COVID-19: DPS | FinTech | Closed Loop Smartcard Payment, Campus Cashless Solutions Expert. He loves reading and writing content related to his niche. You can find Arvind on LinkedIn